Young girl with autism doing an IQ test in our Bondi Junction and Mascot clinics

When to Assess the IQ of a Child with Autism

By | Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) | No Comments

When to Assess the IQ of a Child with Autism: Key Considerations and Best Practices Assessing the IQ of a child with autism is an essential step in understanding their cognitive abilities. It helps to provide the right support for their education and development. However, deciding when to do the assessment requires careful thought. In this blog, we discuss the best age for IQ testing, the reasons behind it, and its importance for school funding. If you’re looking for expert support, including ESDM therapy in Sydney, we’re here to guide you. Understanding IQ Assessment for Children with Autism IQ (Intelligence…

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Little buy learning to pull his pants up as he lerns to toilet train in Occupational Therapy session in Bondi Junction and Mascot

Teach child to pull pants up and down

By | Toilet Training

Teaching children to pull their pants up and down is a crucial step in toilet training. It empowers them to gain independence and builds their confidence. Our Occupational Therapists in our Bondi Junction and Mascot clinic believe that independence is important for all children. Here’s a fun and simple guide to help parents and caregivers teach this important skill: Prepare the Environment Clothing Choices: Choose pants that are easy for your child to manage. Elastic waistbands are great because they don’t have tricky buttons or zippers. Accessible Bathroom: Make sure the bathroom is child-friendly. A small stool can help your…

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Young girl with autism having great time at a birthday party in Bondi Junction Mascot Sydney because her parents did ESDM therapy to help her cope

Autism and Birthday Parties

By | Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) | No Comments

Birthday Parties and Autism: How to Help Children Cope Birthday parties can be a lot of fun for children, but for those with autism, they can also be overwhelming and stressful. The noise, the crowds, and the unfamiliar routines—all of these factors can make a birthday party a challenging experience. However, with some preparation and understanding, you can help your child with autism enjoy birthday parties more comfortably. This blog post will discuss why birthday parties and autism can be a difficult combination and offer practical tips to help children cope. If you’re in Sydney and need professional support, OneOnOne…

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A child working with anxiety with occupational therapist to develop coping skills in Bondi Junction and Mascot

Occupational Therapy and Anxiety in Children

By | Occupational Therapy, uncategorizes

The Role of Occupational Therapy in Managing Anxiety in Children Anxiety in children is a growing concern, affecting their ability to thrive in school, social settings, and at home. It can manifest in various ways, including excessive worry, avoidance behaviours, physical symptoms, and emotional outbursts. While traditional therapies like cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and counselling are commonly used to address anxiety, Occupational Therapy (OT) offers unique and effective approaches to help children manage their anxiety. This blog explores the vital role of occupational therapy in managing anxiety in children and the benefits it brings to their overall well-being. Understanding Anxiety in…

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Learning cognitive skills in the bath for ESDM session in Bondi Junction and Mascot

Learn Cognitive Skills in the Bath

By | Early Start Denver Model (ESDM)

Enhancing Cognitive Skills in the Bath: The Role of ESDM therapy in Sydney Bath time is not just for getting clean; it’s also a wonderful opportunity to help young children develop cognitive skills. Through playful and engaging activities, children can enhance their thinking, problem-solving, and language abilities. At OneOnOne Children’s Therapy, located in Bondi Junction and Mascot, we use the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM)  to support cognitive development in young children. Here are some fun and simple ways to turn bath time into a cognitive skill-building adventure. 1. Sorting and Classifying Use a variety of bath toys like ducks,…

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Children with autism who has an early diagnosis and started early intervention with the ESDM in Sydney

5 Families’ Journeys to Autism Diagnosis

By | Early Start Denver Model (ESDM), uncategorizes | One Comment

5 Families’ Journeys to Autism Diagnosis: Understanding the Path to RealiSation The journey to understanding that a child may have autism is unique for every family. It involves a mix of emotions, challenges, and eventually, acceptance. Here are the stories of five different families and their experiences realising their young child might have autism and seeking a diagnosis. 1. The Anderson Family: Recognising Early Signs The Andersons were thrilled when their son, Max, was born. However, by the time Max turned two, his parents noticed he wasn’t meeting the same milestones as his older sister. Max didn’t respond to his…

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Boy with autism who has sensory issues and needs to work with occupational therapist in a clinic in Bondi Junction and Mascot

Sensory Issues in Autism

By | Occupational Therapy, uncategorizes

Understanding Sensory Issues in Children with Autism Sensory issues are common in children with autism. These issues can affect how they experience and interact with the world around them. Understanding sensory issues can help us support children with autism better and create environments where they can thrive. They can be an important adjunct to the child’s other therapies that make the the therapy more successful. Let’s explore what sensory issues are, how they affect children with autism, and ways to help. What Are Sensory Issues? Sensory issues occur when the brain has difficulty processing the information that comes from the…

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Occupational Therapy plays a key role in helping children with executive functioning concerns. We address this in our 20 week ADHD program Bondi Junction and Mascot Occupational Therapy clinics.

ADHD Program

By | Occupational Therapy | No Comments

Supporting Children with ADHD: A 20-Week Occupational Therapy Program At OneOnOne Children’s Therapy, we know that parents in Bondi Junction and Mascot are looking for effective ways to manage ADHD in their children. That’s why we’ve created a comprehensive 20-week Occupational Therapy program. This program not only helps children develop crucial skills but also provides parents with strategies to support their child’s development at home. Why Our ADHD Program Matters Managing ADHD can be challenging for both children and their families. Our program takes a holistic approach, addressing the unique needs of each child. We focus on building essential skills…

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Father preparing food with a fussy eater to reduce mealtime stress in our feeding clinic in Bondi Junction and Mascot.

Reduce Mealtime Stress

By | Feeding Therapy | One Comment

Reduce Mealtime Stress: Strategies for Parents of Fussy Eaters in Bondi Junction & Mascot Mealtimes can be a challenging part of the day for many families, especially when you have a fussy or restricted eater. Parents often feel anxious, frustrated, and sometimes even hopeless when their child refuses to eat or struggles with certain foods. However, mealtime stress doesn’t have to be part of your daily experience. In fact, the very first thing we do in our feeding clinics is reduce the mealtime stress. No child will make significant changes to their food preferences if each mealtime is stressful. With…

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Certified ESDM Therapist in Sydney selecting materials to individualise the program of a child with autism

Certified ESDM Therapist in Sydney

By | Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) | No Comments

Becoming a Certified ESDM Therapist: The Journey of Complex Training in Sydney At OneOnOne Children’s Therapy in Sydney, we are proud to have certified Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) therapists as part of our team. This certification requires intensive and specialised training. The process ensures that therapists are well-prepared to deliver the Early Start Denver Model effectively to children with autism. Although the journey is challenging, it equips therapists with the skills they need to help children progress. In this blog, we’ll explain the steps therapists take to become certified in the ESDM and how this benefits children with autism…

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Handwriting is closely related to academic success so it still matters in our Occupational Therapy clinics in Bondi Junction and Mascot

Handwriting and Academic Success

By | Occupational Therapy

The Importance of Handwriting: Supporting Your Child’s Academic Success in Bondi Junction and Mascot Handwriting is more than just putting words on paper. It’s a crucial skill that affects how children learn and express themselves in school. When kids struggle with handwriting, it can impact their overall academic performance in many ways. Let’s explore how handwriting challenges can influence academic success and what can be done to support children facing these difficulties, especially for families in Bondi Junction and Mascot. Understanding Handwriting Challenges Learning to write is a complex process that involves coordination, motor skills, and thinking abilities. When handwriting…

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Children taking part in an Early start denver model (ESDM) play based therapy session in Sydney with our certified ESDM Therapists

ESDM Therapy for Autism in Sydney

By | Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) | No Comments

Unlocking Potential: How the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) Transforms Lives for Children with Autism Introduction As a parent, finding the right intervention for your child with autism can feel overwhelming. The Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) stands out as one of the most effective approaches for young children with autism. It offers hope and real progress. If you are searching for an ESDM therapist or considering this early intervention model, this blog will give you everything you need to know about ESDM, its benefits, and how to find the right therapist for your child. Find out why ESDM is…

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