ESDM and children’s development

Group of children with autism doing the Early Start Denver Model ESDM early intervention in a clinic in Mascot Sydney with a certified ESDM therapist

How the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) Enhances Children’s Development with Autism in Sydney

The Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) is a renowned early intervention program designed specifically for young children with autism. Developed through extensive research at the University of California (UC Davis), UNSW, and the University of Wollongong, ESDM focuses on children between 12 and 48 months old. This program has proven to be highly effective in enhancing a child’s development during these critical early years. Let’s explore how ESDM works and why it’s such a valuable tool for children with autism in Sydney.

Understanding ESDM

Play-Based Learning

ESDM uses a play-based approach to teaching. This means that our Certified ESDM therapists and parents engage with the child through play, using toys, games, and fun activities. This method makes learning enjoyable and less intimidating for the child, encouraging them to participate more actively.

Natural Environment

ESDM sessions are conducted in the child’s natural environment, such as at home or in a familiar setting. This comfort helps the child feel safe and relaxed, making them more open to learning and interaction.

Focus on Relationships

Building strong relationships is at the heart of ESDM. Therapists and parents work closely with the child, fostering a sense of connection and security. This close interaction is key to helping the child develop trust and communication skills.

Customised Plans

Each child in the ESDM program has a personalised plan. Therapists assess the child’s strengths and needs, creating tailored goals that ensure the child receives the specific support they require. This individualised approach maximises the effectiveness of the intervention.

Key Components of ESDM

Joint Attention

One of the primary focuses in ESDM is joint attention, which involves helping the child learn to focus on the same object or activity as another person. This skill is essential for learning and social interaction.

Communication Skills

ESDM works to enhance communication by encouraging the child to use words, gestures, or sounds. Every effort to communicate is celebrated, reinforcing positive behaviours and making communication a rewarding experience for the child.

Social Skills

Developing social skills is another critical aspect of ESDM. Children learn to take turns, share, and interact with others. These skills are vital for making friends and engaging in social activities.

Behaviour Management

ESDM includes strategies for managing challenging behaviours. Therapists use positive reinforcement to encourage desirable behaviours, helping the child learn to replace unwanted behaviours with more constructive ones.

Benefits of ESDM

Enhanced Language Skills

Many children in the ESDM program show significant improvements in their language abilities. They begin to understand and use words more effectively, helping them express their needs and emotions.

Improved Social Interaction

ESDM helps children become more comfortable interacting with others. Children often develop a greater willingness to engage with peers and participate in social activities.

Boosted Cognitive Skills

The ESDM program supports cognitive development, enhancing problem-solving, thinking, and learning abilities. These skills are crucial for success in both academic and everyday situations.

Increased Independence

Children gain more independence through ESDM by learning self-help skills such as dressing and feeding themselves. This boost in independence builds their confidence and self-esteem.

Reduced Challenging Behaviours

ESDM is effective in reducing problem behaviours. Children learn to express themselves in positive ways, leading to fewer meltdowns and a smoother daily routine for both the child and their family.

How ESDM Works

Initial Assessment

The first step in the ESDM process is a thorough assessment. Therapists evaluate the child’s abilities to identify their strengths and areas where they need support.

Goal Setting

Based on the assessment, therapists set specific, measurable goals in areas like communication, social skills, and behaviour. These goals guide the child’s progress throughout the program.

Daily Sessions

Children participate in daily ESDM sessions with a therapist, a parent, or both. Consistency is key to achieving progress, so regular sessions are essential.

Ongoing Monitoring

Therapists continuously monitor the child’s progress, adjusting goals and strategies as needed. This ensures the child is always moving forward in their development.

Parent Involvement

Parents are an integral part of the ESDM process. They are trained to use ESDM techniques at home, providing continuous support that reinforces what the child learns in therapy.

Success Stories from ESDM

Early Language Development

Many children begin to speak earlier and more clearly after several months in the ESDM program. For instance, a child who initially used no words may start forming simple sentences, greatly enhancing their ability to communicate.

Improved Social Skills

Children who previously avoided eye contact or social interaction often become more engaged. For example, a child might begin making eye contact and playing with peers, which is a significant step forward in their social development.

Reduced Meltdowns

One of the most notable successes of ESDM is the reduction in challenging behaviours. Children learn to express frustration with words rather than through meltdowns, making daily life much easier for both them and their families.

School Readiness

ESDM also prepares children for school by developing foundational skills in communication, social interaction, and behaviour management. This readiness is crucial for a successful transition into a regular classroom setting.

The Importance of Early Intervention

Critical Developmental Period

Early childhood is a critical period for development. The brain is particularly adaptable during these years, making early intervention like ESDM highly effective.

Building a Strong Foundation

ESDM helps build a strong foundation for future learning. Early skills in communication and social interaction pave the way for success in later life.

Family Impact

The benefits of ESDM extend beyond the child to the entire family. Improved behaviour and communication ease the stress on parents and create a more harmonious family environment.

Long-Term Benefits

The improvements seen with ESDM have long-lasting effects. Children who receive early intervention are more likely to succeed in school and social settings as they grow.


The Early Start Denver Model is a powerful intervention tool for young children with autism. Through play-based, individualised sessions, it significantly enhances communication, social skills, and cognitive development. Early intervention with ESDM not only supports immediate progress but also lays the groundwork for long-term success. At OneOnOne Children’s Therapy in Sydney, our Certified ESDM Therapists are committed to helping your child thrive with ESDM.

We’re Here to Support Your Child’s Development in Sydney

At OneOnOne Children’s Therapy, we believe every child deserves the opportunity to grow and thrive. Our Sydney-based clinics are more than just spaces for therapy; they are places where children can discover their strengths, overcome challenges, and reach their full potential.

If you’re concerned about your child’s development or want to learn more about how the Early Start Denver Model can help your child, OneOnOne Children’s Therapy is here to assist.

Reach Out for Support

Call us at our Sydney clinics in Bondi Junction and Mascot on (02) 80657837 or email us to book a free 30-minute phone consultation. Let’s work together to support your child’s unique journey.