Gross Motor Development 2 to 5 years

By July 24, 2024 August 6th, 2024 Occupational Therapy
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Gross Motor Development: Occupational Therapy for Children in Bondi Junction and Mascot

Gross motor development is all about how children learn to use their large muscles to move their bodies. For kids between the ages of 2 and 5, this is an exciting time full of running, jumping, climbing, and exploring. At OneOnOne Children’s Therapy, our Occupational Therapists work with young children to develop gross motor skills. Let’s dive into the world of gross motor development and see how young children grow and develop their physical skills in a fun and engaging way.

Age 2: Discovering Movement

At age 2, children are just beginning to master basic movements. They are little explorers who love to move around and discover new things. Here are some key milestones for 2-year-olds:

  • Walking and Running: Most 2-year-olds can walk well and are starting to run. They love to practice by running around the house or yard.
  • Climbing: Climbing is a favourite activity. They might climb on furniture, playground equipment, or even stairs.
  • Kicking a Ball: Kicking a ball is a fun way for them to practice coordination. They might not always kick it straight, but they have a blast trying!
  • Throwing and Catching: At this age, children can throw a ball, but catching is still a bit tricky. They enjoy tossing balls and other objects.

Age 3: Gaining Confidence

By age 3, children become more confident in their movements. They are eager to show off their new skills and love being active. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Running with Ease: Running becomes smoother and faster. They can change direction quickly and might start to play simple games like tag.
  • Jumping: Jumping with both feet off the ground is a big milestone. They love jumping off steps, over small objects, and on trampolines.
  • Pedalling a Tricycle: Riding a tricycle is a big achievement. It helps them practice coordination and leg strength.
  • Balancing: Balancing on one foot for a few seconds becomes possible. They enjoy games that involve standing on one foot or hopping.

Age 4: Mastering New Skills

At age 4, children’s gross motor skills become more refined. They can perform more complex movements and are eager to try new activities. Here are some highlights:

  • Skipping and Galloping: Skipping and galloping are fun ways for them to move around. These movements require coordination and rhythm.
  • Climbing Higher: Climbing skills improve, and they can tackle more challenging playground equipment. They love to climb ladders and slides.
  • Throwing and Catching: Throwing becomes more accurate, and they start to catch balls with better coordination. They enjoy playing catch with friends and family.
  • Balancing and Hopping: Balancing on one foot becomes easier, and they can hop on one foot multiple times. They love playing hopscotch and similar games.

Age 5: Becoming Little Athletes

By age 5, children’s gross motor skills are well-developed. They are like little athletes, ready to take on more complex activities. Here’s what they can do:

  • Running and Playing Sports: Running is now fast and controlled. They can participate in organised sports like soccer or t-ball.
  • Riding a Bike: Many 5-year-olds can ride a bicycle with training wheels, and some might even start riding without them.
  • Jumping Rope: Jumping rope is a fun and challenging activity. It helps with coordination, rhythm, and balance.
  • Complex Climbing: They can handle complex climbing structures at playgrounds, using both their arms and legs with confidence.
  • Swimming: Many children start to learn basic swimming skills, like floating, kicking, and using their arms to move through the water.

Encouraging Gross Motor Development for Ages 2-5

Parents and caregivers play a crucial role in encouraging gross motor development for 2-5-year-olds. Here are some fun and simple ways to help children develop their skills:

  • Play Outside: Spend time outdoors where children can run, jump, and explore. Parks and playgrounds are perfect for this.
  • Dance: Dancing to music is a fun way to improve coordination and rhythm. Have dance parties at home or join a dance class.
  • Obstacle Courses: Set up simple obstacle courses with pillows, boxes, and chairs. Children love crawling, jumping, and climbing through obstacles.
  • Sports and Games: Play sports and active games like soccer, catch, or tag. These activities help with coordination, balance, and teamwork.
  • Swimming: If possible, take children to a pool. Swimming is great for overall muscle development and coordination.
  • Ride Bikes: Encourage riding tricycles, scooters, or bicycles. These activities help with balance and leg strength.


Gross motor development in children aged 2 to 5 years is an exciting journey full of movement, exploration, and fun. From learning to run and jump to mastering complex skills like riding a bike and swimming, children’s physical abilities grow rapidly during these years. By encouraging active play and providing opportunities for movement, parents and caregivers can help children develop strong, healthy bodies and a love for physical activity that will last a lifetime. So, let’s get moving and enjoy the adventure of gross motor development together!

We’re Here to Support You

At OneOnOne Children’s Therapy, we believe that every child deserves the opportunity to grow and thrive.

Our clinics are not just spaces for therapy – they are places where children can discover their strengths, overcome challenges, and reach their full potential. Our Occupational Therapy gym is a fantastic asset for gross motor development, offering a safe and stimulating environment for children to enhance their physical abilities.

By combining innovative therapy techniques with a stimulating and supportive environment, we’re proud to offer a holistic approach to paediatric therapy and early intervention. Our programs are designed to address the unique needs of each child we support, ensuring they receive personalised and effective care. We are committed to helping children build essential skills, gain confidence, and achieve their developmental milestones.

Reach out for support

If you’re concerned about your child’s gross motor skills or want to learn more about how Occupational Therapy can help your child, OneOnOne Children’s Therapy is here to help. For information about gross motor under the age of two, please read this blog.

Call our Bondi Junction and Mascot clinics on (02) 80657837 or email us to discuss how we can support your child’s unique journey.

We are a team of Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Certified ESDM Therapists and Feeding Therapists who believe in a holistic approach to every child.