By July 6, 2024 August 3rd, 2024 Early Start Denver Model (ESDM)
ESDM vs ABA for my child with certified ESDM therapist in mascot, Bondi Junction in Sydney

Choosing the Right Intervention: ESDM vs. ABA for Your Child

When it comes to selecting the best intervention for your child with autism, parents often find themselves weighing the options between the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) and Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA). Both approaches have strong evidence supporting their effectiveness, but they differ in methods and focus. Understanding these differences can help you make an informed decision that best suits your child’s unique needs.

Understanding ABA

Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) is one of the most widely recognised and researched interventions for children with autism. It focuses on understanding and improving specific behaviours through positive reinforcement. As a result, ABA therapists use a structured approach to teach new skills and reduce undesirable behaviours by breaking down tasks into smaller, manageable steps.

Key Features of ESDM:

The Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) is an innovative therapy that offers many benefits for children with autism. Here’s why ESDM might be the perfect choice for your child:

Learning Through Play

ESDM makes learning fun by integrating it into play activities. This play-based approach keeps children engaged and motivated during their therapy sessions. Kids enjoy their time while learning essential skills.

Comprehensive Development

ESDM focuses on various developmental areas such as communication, social interactions, and thinking skills. By targeting these crucial areas, ESDM helps children build a strong foundation for their future growth and success.

Real-Life Learning Environments

ESDM therapy takes place in natural settings like home or preschool. This means children can practice and apply their new skills in their everyday life. Learning in real-life environments makes the skills more meaningful and functional for the child.

Parent Involvement

One of the unique aspects of ESDM is the active involvement of parents. Parents are trained to use therapeutic techniques in daily interactions with their children. This ensures that learning continues beyond the therapy sessions, providing consistent support for the child’s development.

Why Choose ESDM?

ESDM’s play-based approach, focus on overall development, real-life learning settings, and active parent involvement make it an excellent choice for children with autism. It helps children enjoy learning, develop essential skills, and apply them in everyday life, ensuring a well-rounded and effective intervention.

If you’re looking for a comprehensive and engaging therapy for your child with autism, consider ESDM. It could be the key to unlocking your child’s full potential.

Key Features of ABA:

Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) therapy is a method used to help children with autism. However, it is not without its criticisms.

Firstly, ABA sessions are usually very structured. This means children often work at a table and follow specific tasks to learn new skills. Some people believe this setting is too rigid and not like the natural, playful environments where children typically learn.

ABA focuses heavily on behaviour. The main goal is to increase positive behaviours like talking and playing with others, while decreasing negative behaviours like tantrums. Critics say this focus on behaviour can sometimes ignore the reasons behind a child’s actions, aiming more for obedience than understanding.

In addition, ABA relies a lot on data. Therapists track progress closely and change strategies based on what they see. While this can help tailor the therapy to each child, some argue that it treats children like a set of behaviours to be fixed rather than addressing their overall needs.

ABA sessions are usually led by therapists. They direct each session with specific goals in mind. However, this can mean the child’s interests and choices are sometimes overlooked, making the sessions less engaging and more stressful for the child.

In summary, while ABA’s structured environment, focus on behaviour, data-driven methods, and therapist-led sessions can help children with autism, these same aspects can also be seen as problematic. Concerns include the rigid structure of sessions, overemphasis on behaviour modification, potential depersonalisation due to the focus on data, and insufficient consideration of the child’s own interests and choices.

Comparing ABA and ESDM

1. Approach to Learning

  • ABA: Uses a highly structured and systematic approach, often in controlled environments. Emphasises repetition and reinforcement.
  • ESDM: Utilises a flexible, play-based approach, integrating learning into natural settings. Emphasises engagement and social interaction.

2. Focus Areas

  • ABA: Primarily focuses on behaviour modification, using reinforcement to encourage desired behaviours and reduce problematic ones.
  • ESDM: Focuses on overall developmental progress, including social, communication, and cognitive skills, within a relational context.

3. Environment

  • ABA: Often conducted in clinical settings with specific therapy goals and sessions.
  • ESDM: Conducted in natural environments, such as the child’s home or preschool, within daily routines and activities.

4. Parental Involvement

  • ABA: Parents are involved but the primary focus is on therapist-led sessions.
  • ESDM: Parents play a critical role, being trained to use intervention strategies throughout the day.

Deciding between Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) and the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) can be challenging. Both have their strengths, but the right choice depends on your child’s needs and your family’s preferences. Here’s why ESDM could be an excellent choice for your child:

Age and Developmental Stage

ESDM is specifically designed for very young children aged 12 to 48 months. It focuses on early developmental milestones, making it ideal for toddlers and preschoolers. ABA, on the other hand, can be adapted for children of all ages.

Learning Style

If your child enjoys learning through play and natural interactions, ESDM could be the perfect fit. This therapy integrates learning into fun, everyday activities, which helps children stay engaged and motivated. ABA may be better suited for children who thrive on structured, repetitive tasks with clear reinforcement.

Family Involvement

ESDM emphasises significant parent participation. Parents are trained to incorporate therapeutic techniques into daily routines, ensuring consistent support and reinforcement. If you prefer being directly involved in your child’s therapy, ESDM is a great option. ABA tends to be more therapist-led, which might be preferable if you want a more hands-off approach.

Therapy Setting

ESDM seamlessly integrates therapy into everyday settings, such as your home or preschool. This naturalistic approach helps children apply their skills in real-life situations. ABA can also be effective but often involves more clinic-based sessions, which might be less flexible.

Real-Life Success Stories

ABA Success:

Sarah, a 5-year-old with autism, made significant strides in communication and social skills through ABA. Her parents noted that the structured environment and clear reinforcement helped her understand expectations and improve her behaviour. This structured approach provided Sarah with a predictable and supportive learning environment where she could thrive. Through consistent ABA therapy, Sarah learned to communicate more effectively, interact positively with her peers, and navigate social situations with greater confidence.

ESDM Success:

Ethan, a 2-year-old with autism, thrived in the ESDM program. His parents appreciated the play-based approach, which made therapy fun and engaging. Over time, Ethan showed remarkable improvement in his social interactions and communication skills. The integration of learning into play activities allowed Ethan to practice new skills in a natural and enjoyable context. This approach not only enhanced his development but also made therapy sessions something to look forward to.


Both ABA and ESDM offer valuable approaches to supporting children with autism. The best choice depends on your child’s individual needs and your family’s circumstances. By understanding the key features and benefits of each model, you can make an informed decision that will provide the best support for your child’s growth and development.

If you would like to know the difference between ESDM as opposed to Speech Pathology and Occupational Therapy, read this post!

Contact Us

At OneOnOne Children’s Therapy in our Sydney clinics, we offer the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) program to meet the unique needs of each child. We chose the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) because it’s proven to help young children with autism learn and grow. ESDM uses play and activities that are fun and engaging to teach important skills. It focuses on each child’s needs and helps them develop at their own pace. We believe in ESDM because it gives children with autism the best chance to succeed and be happy.Our team of certified ESDM therapists is here to help you navigate this important decision. If you are keen to learn more about ESDM, call us at (02) 80657837 or email us to book a consultation.

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