Understand that e need a holistic approach to feeding that goes beyond the SOS feeding approach

How to start your baby on solids

By | Feeding Therapy

Successfully starting your baby on solids is an exciting milestone that opens up a whole new world of tastes and textures for your little one. It can be a fun and rewarding experience for both you and your baby. Here are some simple steps and tips to make the journey to start your baby on solids a smooth and enjoyable experience. When To Start Your Baby On Solids Most babies are ready to start solids around six months old. Look for signs like: Good head control: Your baby has good head control and can sit up with minimal support. Interest…

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Boy sitting with his dad and the boy is a picky eater

Why Children are Picky Eaters

By | Feeding Therapy

Why Are Children Picky Eaters? Understanding the Causes and Solutions If you’re a parent dealing with a picky eater, you’re not alone. Many families face the challenge of getting their children to eat a balanced diet. Understanding why children are picky eaters can help you develop strategies to encourage healthier eating habits. In this blog, we’ll explore the various reasons behind picky eating and offer some tips to address this common issue. Developmental Stages and Natural Preferences The Toddler Phase Picky eating often begins in toddlerhood, a period when children are naturally exploring their environment and asserting their independence. During…

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