An example of a visual support used by an Occupational Therapist for child with ADHD in their daily routineBondi Junction and Mascot clinic

Visual Supports for ADHD

By | Occupational Therapy | One Comment

Visual Supports for Organisation: Helping Children with ADHD Through Occupational Therapy For children with ADHD, staying organised and on track can be challenging. They often struggle with executive functioning skills such as planning, time management, and following through with tasks. Visual supports offer a powerful tool to help these children better manage their day-to-day activities and responsibilities. Occupational Therapists (OTs) use visual supports to provide structure and promote independence, helping children with ADHD navigate their world more effectively. In this blog, we’ll explore how visual supports can aid children with ADHD in organising their daily lives and how Occupational Therapists…

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Child with autism doing self care skills. We address this in our Bondi Junction and Mascot Occupational Therapy clinics.

Self Care Skills in young children

By | Occupational Therapy

Developing Self-Care Skills in Young Children: Why It Matters and How to Help Developing self-care skills in young children is incredibly important because it helps them become more independent, confident, and ready to take on the world. Self-care skills are the everyday tasks that children learn to do for themselves, like getting dressed, brushing their teeth, washing their hands, and feeding themselves. Imagine the pride a child feels when they can say, “I did it all by myself!” At OneOnOne Children’s Therapy in Bondi Junction and Mascot, we focus on helping children build these essential skills. In this blog, we’ll…

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A child working with anxiety with occupational therapist to develop coping skills in Bondi Junction and Mascot

Self Regulation in ADHD

By | Occupational Therapy | 4 Comments

Developing Self-Regulation Skills: The Role of Occupational Therapy in ADHD Management Managing ADHD can be challenging for both children and their parents. One of the key areas that children with ADHD often struggle with is self-regulation. Self-regulation is the ability to manage emotions, behaviours, and thoughts in a way that is socially acceptable and helps achieve goals. It’s about controlling impulses, staying focused, and being able to calm down when upset. For children with ADHD, self-regulation can be particularly difficult, but Occupational Therapy can play a significant role in helping them develop these essential skills. At OneOnOne Children’s Therapy in…

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Child with ADHD working on gross motor skills in Occupational Therapy gym in Bondi Junction, Mascot and Randwick.

ADHD and Occupational Therapy in Bondi Junction

By | Occupational Therapy

Understanding ADHD and How Occupational Therapy Can Help: Supporting Families in Bondi Junction and Mascot Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common condition affecting many young children, impacting their ability to focus, stay still, and control their behaviour. Understanding ADHD and its effects can help parents, teachers, and caregivers provide the right support. Beyond medical treatment, Occupational Therapy plays a vital role in helping children with ADHD thrive. In Bondi Junction and Mascot, OneOnOne Children’s Therapy offers tailored support for families navigating ADHD. What Is ADHD? ADHD is a neurological condition that affects how the brain works. Children with…

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Child in Occupational therapy session integrating sensory and motor systems in Bondi Junction and Mascot

Motor and Sensory System Integration

By | Occupational Therapy | 3 Comments

The Vital Role of Motor and Sensory Systems in Child Development: Supporting Your Child’s Growth in Bondi Junction and Mascot Understanding how your child’s motor and sensory systems work is essential to their overall growth and development. These systems are the building blocks that help children interact with and understand the world around them. In this blog, we’ll explore why these systems are so important and how you can support your child’s development right here in Bondi Junction and Mascot. What Are the Sensory Systems? The sensory system helps children process and respond to their environment. It includes touch, balance,…

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Ideas from an Occupational Therapist on how to help your toddler with their gross motor skills in our Occupational Therapy clinics in Bondi Junction and Mascot

Choose the Best Occupational Therapist for Your Child

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How to Choose the Best Occupational Therapist for Your Child in Bondi Junction Finding the best occupational therapist (OT) for your child is a big decision that can greatly impact their growth and happiness. Occupational therapy helps kids develop the skills they need to do everyday tasks like getting dressed, writing, playing, and socializing. If you’re a parent in Bondi Junction looking for the best OT for your child, this guide will help you make the right choice. 1. Understand Your Child’s Needs Before you start looking for an OT, it’s important to know what your child specifically needs help…

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Understand what 10 signs are that might show that your child needs Occupational Therapy in our Bondi Junction and Mascot clinics

10 Signs Your Child Might Need Occupational Therapy

By | Occupational Therapy

10 Signs Your Child Might Need Occupational Therapy As parents, we want to see our children thrive. Sometimes, kids need extra support to develop essential skills. Occupational Therapy (OT) can be incredibly helpful for children facing developmental challenges. Here are 10 signs your child might need occupational therapy. 1. Difficulty with Fine Motor Skills Fine motor skills involve small muscles in the hands and fingers. If your child struggles with tasks like holding a pencil, using scissors, or tying shoelaces, it could indicate they need help with fine motor skills. Struggling with these tasks can affect their performance in school…

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slippery dip in Occupational Therapy gym for children in Bondi Junction and Mascot

Slippery Dips are Amazing!

By | Occupational Therapy

Why Slippery Dips Are Important for Children with Developmental Delays Slippery dips, also known as slides, are a favourite playground feature for many children. They are not only fun but also beneficial, especially for children with developmental delays. Let’s explore why slippery dips are important and how they can help children with motor delays grow and thrive. Physical Development Strength and Coordination: Climbing up to the top of the slide requires children to use their muscles. This helps build strength in their legs and arms. Sliding down involves coordination and control, as they need to position their body correctly to…

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Motor delay in 2 year old with Occupational Therapist in Bondi Junction and Mascot

Motor Delay in 2 Year Old Children

By | Occupational Therapy

Motor skills are crucial for a child’s growth, helping them explore their surroundings and do everyday tasks. By the age of two, most kids have learned a variety of fine and gross motor skills. However, some children might not reach these milestones as expected, which is known as motor delay. Recognising these delays and knowing how to support your child can make a big difference in their development. Here’s what you need to know about motor delays in 2-year-olds. What is Motor Delay? Motor delay occurs when a child does not achieve the typical milestones for motor development. Motor skills…

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Boy with ADHD working with our Occupational Therapist to achieve academic success in our Bondi Junction and Mascot clinics.

Occupational Therapy Bondi Junction

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Discover Exceptional Occupational Therapy Services in Bondi Junction Welcome to OneOnOne Children’s Therapy, where we specialise in providing high quality occupational therapy (OT) services for children in Bondi Junction. Our team of dedicated therapists is committed to helping children achieve their fullest potential in everyday activities. Whether your child needs support with fine motor skills, balance and coordination, or personal independence, our personalised therapy plans ensure each child receives the best care tailored to their needs. What Is Occupational Therapy? Occupational therapy helps individuals develop the daily skills they need for living and learning. For children, OT focuses on helping…

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Learn to ride a bike in Occupational Therapy session in Bondi Junction and Mascot

Teach your child to ride a bike

By | Occupational Therapy

Teaching young children to ride a bike is an exciting adventure filled with fun, challenges, and proud moments. It’s a milestone that not only boosts their confidence but also gives them a sense of independence. With a little patience, encouragement, and the right approach, you can help your child master the art of bike riding. Let’s explore the journey of teaching young children to ride a bike in a fun and simple way. Step 1: Choosing the Right Bike The first step in teaching a child to ride a bike is choosing the right one. For young beginners, a balance…

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Children with gravitational insecurity with Occupational Therapist in OT gym in Bondi Junction and Mascot

What is Gravitational Insecurity?

By | Occupational Therapy

Understanding Gravitational Insecurity and Its Impact on Children’s Development Gravitational insecurity is a condition where a child feels intense fear or discomfort when their body is moved, particularly when their head moves in space. This can happen during activities like climbing, swinging, or even walking on uneven surfaces. This condition can significantly impact a child’s development in various ways. Let’s explore what gravitational insecurity is, how it affects children, and what can be done to help. What is Gravitational Insecurity? Fear of Movement: Children with gravitational insecurity are afraid of movement. Simple activities like swinging, climbing stairs, or even walking…

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