Young child learn to tie shoe laces in Occupational therapy, Occupational Therapist, BondiJunction, Mascot, sydney and randwick

How to tie shoelaces

By | Occupational Therapy

Mastering Shoelace Tying: How Occupational Therapy in Bondi Junction and Mascot Can Help Your Child Learning to tie shoelaces is a significant milestone in a child’s development, marking a step towards independence and fine motor skill mastery. While it can be a challenging task, with patience, practice, and the right techniques, children can successfully learn to tie their shoes. Our Occupational Therapists in our Bondi Junction and Mascot clinics are great at teaching to tie shoelaces. Here’s a simple guide on how children learn to do it and how parents can support them in this process. Why Learning to Tie…

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Young girl doing balance and co-ordination activities with occupational therapist in bondi junction and mascot occupational therapy clinic

Balance and Co-ordination

By | Occupational Therapy

Balance and coordination are crucial skills that children need to develop as they grow. These skills help them move confidently, perform daily activities, and participate in sports and other physical activities. Let’s explore how balance and coordination develop in children, why they are important, and how parents and caregivers can support this development. What Are Balance and Coordination? Balance is the ability to maintain a stable and controlled body position while standing, sitting, or moving. It helps children stay upright and prevents them from falling. Coordination involves using different parts of the body together smoothly and efficiently. It helps children…

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Occupational Therapy – why it’s important

By | Occupational Therapy

Why do some children come to our Bondi Junction and Mascot clinics for Occupational Therapy? The first three years of a child’s life are critical for development. This is when they develop communication, motor skills and cognition. The brain makes enormous developments during this period that lead to these skills. However, some children don’t develop these skills at the same rate or in the same way as their peers. Some young children take longer to develop, some develop these skills poorly, and some children have associated conditions that impact on these areas. Children need Occupational Therapy when don’t develop their…

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Young boy learning dressing skills with Occupational Therapist in Occupational Therapy clinic in Bondi Junction and Mascot

Dressing Skills

By | Occupational Therapy

Dressing Skills: How Our Occupational Therapists in Bondi Junction and Mascot Can Help Your Child Dressing is a key milestone for every child. It’s not just about getting ready for the day – learning to dress themselves helps children build independence and confidence. But mastering this skill isn’t always easy. Children need to develop a range of complex motor patterns to manipulate their clothing and bodies. That’s where our Occupational Therapists in Bondi Junction and Mascot step in. We’re here to help children who find dressing challenging and support them every step of the way. When Should Children Start Dressing…

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development of pincer grasp in Occupational Therapy session in bondi Junction and Mascot

Pincer Grasp

By | Occupational Therapy

The pincer grasp is a small but important skill that children develop as they grow. It involves using the thumb and index finger to pick up and hold small objects. This skill is essential for many everyday activities, from eating to writing. Let’s explore how children develop the pincer grasp, why it’s important, and how parents can support this development. What Is the Pincer Grasp? This is when a child uses their thumb and index finger to pick up small objects, like a piece of cereal or a button. This skill typically develops between 9 to 12 months of age….

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Young girl running to develop gross motor skills with an occupational therapy in an occupational therapy session in bondi junction and mascot

Gross Motor Skills

By | Occupational Therapy

Developing Gross Motor Skills in Children: How Bondi Junction and Mascot Occupational Therapy Can Help Gross motor skills involve the large movements of the body, like running, jumping, and throwing. These essential skills enable children to move, explore, and interact with the world around them. Think about how challenging it would be to play tag or ride a bike without being able to run or balance! That’s why strengthening gross motor skills is so important for children’s overall development. At our Bondi Junction and Mascot clinics, our Occupational Therapists work with children to develop these crucial gross motor skills, helping…

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Child with low muscle tone going down a slide doing Occupational Therapy with Occupational Therapist in Bondi Junction or Mascot

Low Muscle Tone

By | Occupational Therapy

Understanding Low Muscle Tone: How Occupational Therapy in Bondi Junction and Mascot Can Help As parents, it’s natural to want the best for your child, especially when it comes to their growth and development. One concern that many parents have is low muscle tone, also known as hypotonia. This condition can make a child’s muscles feel floppy and weak, affecting their movement and coordination. Let’s dive into what it is, how it impacts children, and how Occupational Therapy at our Bondi Junction and Mascot clinics can help. What is Low Muscle Tone? Muscle tone is the natural tension in our…

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Children working with Occupational Therapist in Occupational Therapy clinic in Bondi Junction and Mascot learning to use knife and fork

Teaching knife and fork skills

By | Occupational Therapy

Why Learning to Use a Knife and Fork Is Important: Professional Occupational Therapy in Bondi Junction and Mascot Parents in our Bondi Junction and Mascot clinics often ask our Occupational Therapists about teaching their child to use a knife and fork. Mealtimes are an important aspect of family and social life. Most cultures use food as a part of bringing their communicate together. It’s important that children can participate appropriately in these social situations. Not every culture uses cutlery. However, in cultures where cutlery use is expected, it is important that children learn this skills by the correct age. Learning…

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Boy doing tummy time on gym ball to help attention and regulation with Occupational Therapist in occupational therapy gym in Bondi Junction an dMascot

Tummy time helps attention and focus!

By | Occupational Therapy

Signs Your Child Needs Tummy Time: Essential Tips from Bondi Junction and Mascot Occupational Therapists Tummy time is not just for babies. Does your child fidget in their chair? Do they have trouble holding their head up at the table? They may benefit from tummy time. The Occupational Therapists at our clinic in Bondi Junction and Mascot, recommend tummy time for all children. They use fun, exciting tummy time activities for older children to help their motor skill development. Tummy time is when babies spend time on their tummies while they’re awake and supervised. It might sound simple, but it’s…

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A child working with anxiety with occupational therapist to develop coping skills in Bondi Junction and Mascot

Occupational Therapy Assessment

By | Occupational Therapy

What to expect at your child’s Occupational Therapy assessment in our Bondi Junction and Mascot clinics You’ve made the decision to have your child assessed by one of our Occupational Therapists at OneOnOne Children’s Therapy. For some parents at our Bondi Junction clinic and Mascot clinics,  it is a relief to start the therapy process. Other parents feel quite anxious about the results of the occupational therapy assessment, and some parents feel overwhelmed with the journey they may be starting. It is normal to feel some or all of these emotions. Chances are that you don’t know what to expect…

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A child with ADHD working on fine motor skills with their Occupational Therapist in Bondi Junction and Mascot

Pencil grip and handwriting

By | Occupational Therapy

The Power of the Pincer Grip: Setting the Foundation for Successful Handwriting in our Bondi Junction and Mascot clinics As a parent, you’re always looking for ways to support your child’s development. One of the most fundamental skills that significantly impact a child’s handwriting is the pencil grip (also known as the pincer grip). This seemingly small skill involves using the thumb and index finger to pick up and hold small objects. It’s not just crucial for developing good handwriting but also for various other fine motor tasks. Let’s dive into why the pincer grip is so important and how…

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ESDM, early start denver model, autism, early intervention, project impact parent training, occupational therapy, occupational therapist, occupational therapy gym, speech pathology, speech pathologist, bondi junction, mascot, sydney

Occupational Therapist – building fine motor skills

By | Occupational Therapy

Developing Fine Motor Skills in Children: Expert Occupational Therapy in Bondi Junction and Mascot Fine motor skills are the co-ordinated movements of the small muscle in the fingers, hands and arms. Fine motor skills also include hand-eye coordination. This is when you use your vision to help you control the movements that you are making with these small muscles. The development of fine motor skills is a specialty area for an Occupational Therapist. It is something that we are always talking about in our Bondi Junction and Mascot clinics. Fine motor skills are crucial for toddlers and pre-schoolers. It leads…

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