Certified ESDM Therapist in Sydney

Certified ESDM Therapist in Sydney selecting materials to individualise the program of a child with autism

Becoming a Certified ESDM Therapist: The Journey of Complex Training in Sydney

At OneOnOne Children’s Therapy in Sydney, we are proud to have certified Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) therapists as part of our team. This certification requires intensive and specialised training. The process ensures that therapists are well-prepared to deliver the Early Start Denver Model effectively to children with autism. Although the journey is challenging, it equips therapists with the skills they need to help children progress. In this blog, we’ll explain the steps therapists take to become certified in the ESDM and how this benefits children with autism in Sydney.

What is the ESDM?

The Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) is an early intervention approach designed for young children with autism. It is evidence-based and focuses on children aged 12 to 48 months. The model uses play-based interactions to help children develop social, communication, and learning skills. Research, including from the University of Sydney, shows ESDM helps children with autism make significant progress.

The ESDM is unique. It blends developmental and behavioural principles and focuses on learning through play and daily routines. Therapists must complete specialised training to become certified and apply the model with accuracy. At OneOnOne Children’s Therapy in Sydney, we use this model to support the growth and development of young children with autism.

Steps to Becoming a Certified ESDM Therapist in Sydney

  1. Introductory Workshop

Therapists begin their certification journey with a two-day Introductory Workshop. This workshop teaches the basics of the Early Start Denver Model. Therapists learn about the principles of ESDM and how to use play to engage children and help them learn. The workshop includes videos, presentations, and discussions to give therapists a strong foundation in ESDM.

  1. Advanced Workshop

After completing the Introductory Workshop, therapists attend the Advanced Workshop. This three-day training dives deeper into practical skills. Therapists learn to assess children, write developmental goals, and deliver ESDM sessions in a structured way. They practise these skills through hands-on activities, role-playing, and video analysis. This workshop helps therapists understand how to personalise ESDM for each child’s needs.

  1. Practicing Skills

Once they complete the workshops, therapists begin applying what they’ve learned in real-life sessions with children. At OneOnOne Children’s Therapy in Sydney, therapists work closely with experienced ESDM professionals. They use the model in sessions and develop their skills under the supervision of certified therapists.

  1. Video Submissions

A key step in becoming certified is submitting videos of ESDM therapy sessions. Therapists record their sessions to show how they implement the ESDM approach. These videos are reviewed by certified ESDM trainers, who check if the therapist is using the correct techniques. This ensures that therapists can apply ESDM accurately and effectively with children.

  1. Ongoing Feedback and Supervision

Throughout the certification process, therapists receive regular feedback from experienced ESDM trainers. This guidance is crucial to improving their skills. At OneOnOne Children’s Therapy in Sydney, therapists receive supervision from certified ESDM professionals. They help refine techniques, ensure therapists use best practices, and provide support when challenges arise. This ongoing mentorship ensures that therapists deliver the best possible care to children with autism.

  1. Multidisciplinary Support at OneOnOne Children’s Therapy

Therapists in the certification process benefit from working in a multidisciplinary clinic. At our Bondi Junction and Mascot locations, therapists in training work alongside certified ESDM therapists. This environment allows them to apply their skills under supervision and collaborate with experienced professionals. Families also benefit from this setup, knowing that their children are receiving high-quality care during the certification process.

  1. Fidelity Checklist

To become fully certified, therapists must demonstrate their ability to follow the ESDM Fidelity Checklist. This checklist ensures that therapists are using all aspects of the model correctly. It checks how well therapists engage children, target developmental goals, and apply techniques. By using the Fidelity Checklist, therapists ensure consistency in every session.

The Benefits of ESDM Certification

The training and certification process is demanding, but it offers huge rewards. Certified ESDM therapists:

  • Have a deep understanding of the principles and techniques that make ESDM effective.
  • Deliver consistent, high-quality sessions that follow the ESDM model with accuracy.
  • Use evidence-based practices to support children’s development.
  • Tailor therapy to meet the specific needs of each child, helping them achieve better outcomes.

Why Choose a Certified ESDM Therapist in Sydney?

Choosing a certified ESDM therapist ensures that your child receives care from someone with specialised training. The certification process guarantees that the therapist understands autism and knows how to apply ESDM in a way that helps children make meaningful progress. At OneOnOne Children’s Therapy in Sydney, we have certified ESDM therapists who are committed to helping children reach their developmental goals. Our team works closely with families to create personalised therapy plans that support each child’s unique needs.


Becoming a certified ESDM therapist involves extensive training, hands-on practice, and detailed evaluation. The process ensures that therapists are prepared to offer the highest level of care to children with autism. At OneOnOne Children’s Therapy in Sydney, we are proud to have a team of certified ESDM therapists who are dedicated to helping children thrive. If you’re looking for ESDM services in Sydney or are concerned about your child’s development, contact our Bondi Junction or Mascot clinics today.

Our certified team is ready to support your child’s journey toward achieving their full potential.

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