Drawing Is Important

Children learning to draw with Occupational Therapist in Bondi Junction and Mascot

The Importance of Learning to Draw in Young Children

Drawing is a fun and engaging activity for young children. It’s more than just a way to keep them occupied; it plays a crucial role in their overall development. Learning to draw helps children express themselves, improve their fine motor skills, and develop cognitive and emotional skills. Let’s explore why learning to draw is so important for young children.

Encourages Creativity and Imagination

  1. Self-Expression: Drawing allows children to express their thoughts, feelings, and ideas. They can create pictures of their favorite things, family, or dreams, which helps them communicate what they might not be able to say with words.
  2. Imaginative Play: When children draw, they use their imagination to create new worlds. They might draw a fantasy land with dragons and fairies or a space adventure with rockets and aliens. This imaginative play is crucial for developing creativity.
  3. Problem-Solving: Drawing helps children think creatively to solve problems. They decide what to draw, how to fit everything on the page, and what colors to use. This process encourages them to think critically and make decisions.

Enhances Fine Motor Skills

  1. Hand-Eye Coordination: Drawing helps improve hand-eye coordination. As children draw lines, shapes, and patterns, they learn to control their hand movements to match what they see.
  2. Dexterity and Control: Holding and maneuvering crayons, pencils, and markers strengthens the muscles in their hands and fingers. This dexterity is essential for other activities, like writing and buttoning clothes.
  3. Precision and Detail: As children practice drawing, they learn to create more detailed and precise images. This precision helps with tasks that require careful attention to detail, such as cutting with scissors or assembling small toys.

Supports Cognitive Development

  1. Spatial Awareness: Drawing helps children understand spatial relationships. They learn concepts like above, below, beside, and inside, which are important for math and reading skills.
  2. Memory and Recall: When children draw from memory, they practice recalling details about objects and scenes. This strengthens their memory and ability to remember things they have seen or experienced.
  3. Planning and Organization: Creating a drawing involves planning and organizing. Children decide what to draw first, how to arrange elements on the page, and what colors to use. This planning helps develop organizational skills.

Boosts Emotional Development

  1. Emotional Expression: Drawing provides a safe way for children to express their emotions. They might draw happy scenes when they feel good or use darker colors when they feel sad. This expression helps them process and understand their emotions.
  2. Stress Relief: The act of drawing can be soothing and relaxing. It allows children to focus on a task and take a break from their worries. This stress relief is important for their emotional well-being.
  3. Confidence and Pride: Completing a drawing gives children a sense of accomplishment. Displaying their artwork or receiving praise boosts their confidence and encourages them to keep trying new things.

Enhances Communication Skills

  1. Storytelling: Drawing helps children tell stories. They might draw a sequence of events to create a story, helping them understand narrative structure and improve their storytelling skills.
  2. Descriptive Language: When children describe their drawings, they practice using descriptive language. They learn new words to talk about shapes, colors, and objects, which enriches their vocabulary.
  3. Social Interaction: Sharing drawings with others fosters social interaction. Children learn to explain their artwork, listen to feedback, and appreciate others’ drawings, which enhances their social skills.

Encourages Cultural Awareness

  1. Exploring Diversity: Drawing helps children explore different cultures and traditions. They might draw scenes from stories about other countries or holidays, helping them understand and appreciate diversity.
  2. Cultural Expression: Children can express their own cultural experiences through drawing. They might draw traditional clothing, foods, or festivals from their culture, which helps them connect with their heritage.

Practical Tips for Encouraging Drawing

  1. Provide Supplies: Offer a variety of drawing supplies, such as crayons, markers, colored pencils, and paper. Having the right tools makes drawing more enjoyable.
  2. Create a Drawing Space: Set up a dedicated drawing space where children can freely create. This space should be comfortable and free of distractions.
  3. Encourage Without Pressure: Encourage children to draw without pressuring them to create perfect pictures. Praise their efforts and creativity rather than focusing on the outcome.
  4. Display Artwork: Displaying children’s drawings at home shows that you value their work. It boosts their confidence and pride in their creations.
  5. Join in the Fun: Draw with your child. This shared activity strengthens your bond and shows them that drawing is a fun and worthwhile activity.
  6. Incorporate Drawing into Daily Activities: Integrate drawing into daily routines, such as drawing a picture of their day before bedtime or creating handmade cards for family and friends.


Learning to draw is an essential part of a young child’s development. It fosters creativity, enhances fine motor skills, supports cognitive growth, boosts emotional development, and improves communication skills. Encouraging children to draw and providing them with the right tools and environment can have a lasting positive impact on their overall growth. By making drawing a regular part of their lives, we help children develop skills that are crucial for their future success and well-being.

We’re here to support you

At OneOnOne Children’s Therapy, we believe that every child deserves the opportunity to grow and thrive.

Our clinics are not just a space for therapy – it’s a place where children can discover their strengths, overcome challenges, and reach their full potential.

By combining innovative therapy techniques with a stimulating and supportive environment, we’re proud to offer a holistic approach to paediatric therapy and early intervention that addresses the unique needs of each child we support.

Reach out for support

If you’re concerned about your child’s drawing or want to learn more about how Occupational Therapy can help your child’s drawing skills, OneOnOne Children’s Therapy is here to help.

Call us on (02) 80657837 or email. You can book a free 30 minute phone call with us to discuss how we can support your child’s unique journey