Enhancing Executive Functioning Skills

By August 29, 2024 Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy plays a key role in helping children with executive functioning concerns. We address this in our 20 week ADHD program Bondi Junction and Mascot Occupational Therapy clinics.

From Planning to Follow-Through: How Occupational Therapy Enhances Executive Functioning in Children with Learning Challenges

Executive functioning is a set of mental skills that helps us plan, organise, and complete tasks. For children with learning challenges, these skills can be difficult to develop. This is where Occupational Therapy (OT) plays a crucial role. By helping children build executive functioning skills, OT can empower them to succeed both in school and in daily life. In this blog post, we’ll explore what executive functioning is, why it matters, and how Occupational Therapy can make a difference for children with learning challenges.

What Is Executive Functioning?

Executive functioning refers to the mental processes that allow us to manage our thoughts, actions, and emotions to achieve goals. These skills include:

  • Planning: The ability to think ahead and create a roadmap to achieve a goal.
  • Organisation: The skill of keeping track of information, materials, and time.
  • Time Management: The ability to estimate how much time a task will take and use that time wisely.
  • Task Initiation: Getting started on a task without procrastination.
  • Working Memory: Holding information in your mind while using it to complete a task.
  • Self-Monitoring: The skill of checking your progress and making adjustments as needed.
  • Emotional Regulation: Managing emotions so they don’t interfere with task completion.
  • Flexibility: The ability to adjust when plans change or when faced with unexpected challenges.

These skills are essential for completing tasks at school, home, and in social settings. Children with learning challenges, such as ADHD, autism, or developmental delays, often struggle with executive functioning. As a result, they may find it difficult to stay organised, manage time, or complete tasks.

Why Is Executive Functioning Important?

Executive functioning skills are the foundation of successful learning and daily living. These skills allow children to:

  • Stay Organised: Keeping track of schoolwork, personal belongings, and daily tasks is essential for success at home and school.
  • Manage Time Effectively: Knowing how to plan out a day, meet deadlines, and balance responsibilities is important for academic achievement and life skills.
  • Complete Tasks: Whether it’s finishing homework or completing a chore, task initiation and follow-through are key to independence.
  • Control Emotions: Emotional regulation helps children manage frustration, stay calm under pressure, and handle setbacks in a healthy way.
  • Adapt to Change: Flexibility is needed to adjust plans, try new strategies, and problem-solve when faced with obstacles.

When children have strong executive functioning skills, they are better able to manage their responsibilities, navigate challenges, and achieve their goals. For children with learning challenges, however, these skills may not develop as naturally. That’s where Occupational Therapy comes in.

How Occupational Therapy Helps Build Executive Functioning Skills

Occupational Therapy provides support for children with learning challenges by addressing their unique needs. Therapists work with children to develop and strengthen executive functioning skills through targeted strategies and activities. Here’s how OT can help:

1. Improving Planning and Organisation

Children with learning challenges often struggle with planning and organisation. They may have difficulty breaking down tasks into smaller steps or keeping track of their belongings. An Occupational Therapist can help a child develop strategies for planning out tasks, such as creating checklists or visual schedules. These tools make it easier for children to understand what needs to be done and in what order.

For example, a child might use a checklist to ensure they have everything they need for school in the morning. This could include packing their lunch, making sure their homework is in their bag, and remembering their coat. By practising these skills in therapy, children can become more organised and independent.

2. Enhancing Time Management

Time management is another crucial aspect of executive functioning. Children with learning challenges may find it difficult to estimate how long a task will take or may struggle with staying on task for extended periods. Occupational Therapists use various strategies to help children improve their time management skills. This might include using visual timers, setting small goals, or practising breaking tasks into manageable chunks.

For example, a therapist might help a child set a timer for 10 minutes to work on homework before taking a short break. Gradually, the child can work up to longer periods of focused work. These strategies help children learn how to manage their time more effectively and complete tasks on schedule.

3. Strengthening Task Initiation and Follow-Through

Getting started on a task can be a major hurdle for children with executive functioning difficulties. Procrastination and avoidance are common, especially when a task feels overwhelming. Occupational Therapists can help children develop strategies for task initiation, such as using prompts, breaking tasks into smaller steps, or setting up a reward system for completing tasks.

In therapy, a child might practise starting a task by first doing something simple, like picking up a pencil or opening a book. Once they’ve initiated the task, they are more likely to keep going. Therapists also work on helping children follow through on tasks by teaching them how to stay focused and check their progress along the way.

4. Supporting Emotional Regulation

Managing emotions is a critical part of executive functioning. Children who struggle with emotional regulation may become easily frustrated, anxious, or overwhelmed, making it difficult to complete tasks. Occupational Therapists teach children techniques for managing their emotions, such as deep breathing, using sensory tools, or practising mindfulness.

For example, a therapist might teach a child to take deep breaths when they start to feel frustrated with a difficult task. By learning these coping strategies, children can stay calm and focused, even when faced with challenges.

5. Promoting Flexibility and Adaptability

Life doesn’t always go according to plan, and flexibility is an essential skill for adapting to change. Children with learning challenges may find it hard to adjust when things don’t go as expected. Occupational Therapists work with children to develop flexibility by practising scenarios where plans change or things don’t go as expected.

For instance, a therapist might set up a game where the rules change halfway through, encouraging the child to adapt and come up with new strategies. Over time, this helps children become more comfortable with change and more confident in their ability to problem-solve.

How Occupational Therapy at OneOnOne Children’s Therapy Can Help

At OneOnOne Children’s Therapy, we understand the challenges that children with learning difficulties face in developing executive functioning skills. Our Occupational Therapists are trained to provide personalised support to help children build these critical skills. Whether your child needs help with planning, organisation, time management, or emotional regulation, we’re here to help.

We take a holistic approach, working closely with parents, teachers, and other professionals to create a consistent support system for your child. By addressing executive functioning in therapy, we help children become more independent, confident, and successful in their daily lives.


Executive functioning skills are the foundation for learning, independence, and emotional well-being. For children with learning challenges, developing these skills can be difficult, but with the right support, they can make significant progress. Occupational Therapy offers practical strategies and tools to help children build their executive functioning skills, empowering them to achieve their goals.

If you’re concerned about your child’s executive functioning skills, OneOnOne Children’s Therapy in Bondi Junction and Mascot is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about how our Occupational Therapists can support your child’s development and help them thrive in all aspects of life. Our Occupational Therapists are AHPRA registered.

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