Why are children fussy eaters?

By June 14, 2024 July 26th, 2024 Feeding Therapy
Avoid squeezies and eat food in traditional forms off a plate for better speech development

Transform Fussy Eaters with Expert Feeding Therapy in Sydney

Does your child refuse to try new foods? Are mealtimes a constant battle? You’re not alone. Many parents face the challenge of fussy eaters, children who are particular about what they eat and often stick to a limited range of foods. Understanding the root causes of picky eating can help you support your child’s journey towards becoming a more adventurous eater.

Why Fussy Eating Happens

Taste Preferences: Children have distinct taste buds, just like adults. They might prefer sweet foods over spicy ones or enjoy crunchy snacks more than mushy ones.

Texture Troubles: The feel of food can be a big deal for kids. Some dislike mushy or slimy foods, while others struggle with crunchy or chewy textures.

New Food Nerves: Trying new foods can be daunting for some children. They might fear that new foods will taste unpleasant or make them feel sick, leading them to stick to familiar favourites.

Feeling in Control: Being selective about food can be a child’s way of asserting independence. They show their preferences, even if it means resisting new foods.

Sensory Sensitivity: Some children have heightened senses. Strong flavors, smells, or even the colors of certain foods can be overwhelming and unappealing.

Past Bad Experiences: A negative experience with food, such as choking or feeling unwell, can make a child reluctant to try that food again.

Growth and Development: As children grow, their tastes and preferences evolve. What they dislike today might become their favorite food tomorrow.

Meet Sam: A Success Story

Meet Sam, a spirited 4-year-old who loves Spiderman but struggles with fussy eating. Sam only eats about 11 types of food and resists trying anything new. He has low muscle tone and is sensitive to lumpy textures in his meals.

Sam joined our ‘Yuk to Yum’ feeding therapy program at OneOnOne Children’s Therapy. With weekly individual sessions and a 12-week parent training program, Sam began to make small but significant changes. He started trying new foods, like a different kind of sushi and new pasta. Seeing his brother eat honey inspired Sam to try it instead of his usual Nutella. The real breakthrough came when Sam surprised his family by eating a piece of cheese pizza at a restaurant.

We’re Here to Support You

At OneOnOne Children’s Therapy, we believe every child deserves the opportunity to grow and thrive. Our clinics in Sydney are dedicated spaces where children can discover their strengths, overcome challenges, and reach their full potential.

Our feeding therapy program offers:

  • Personalised Therapy Sessions: Tailored to meet your child’s specific needs.
  • Parental Involvement: Training programs to equip you with the skills to support your child at home.
  • Supportive Environment: Innovative techniques and a nurturing setting to encourage progress.

Reach Out for Support

If you’re looking for expert feeding therapy in Sydney, OneOnOne Children’s Therapy is here to help. Call our Bondi Junction and Mascot clinics on (02) 80657837 or email us to book a free 30-minute consultation. Let’s work together to support your child’s journey towards becoming a happy, healthy eater.